A: Once you've signed on with your user name and password, you can go to the page for files. Create a folder on the file page. Next, scan your documents into a program such as Image Editor so you can crop and, possibly, adjust the contrast or brightness to make sure only the portion of the page you wish to have transcribed is visible and readable.
Once you have your cropped and cleaned-up image saved to your desktop as a JPG file (please don't use the BMP file format) or designated file space on your computer, open your folder. Once it's opened, click on "Upload File", then "Browse". That will pull up the portion of your computer where you've saved your document. Locate the specific scan you're seeking, then open that and it will transfer the file name to the top block. Rename the file as you wish it identified on the mail list. Then, click on "Add" and the image will be saved in your folder.
At that point, go back to the message portion of the list and post a message stating the file and what you are looking for. It was suggested by a volunteer that we also provide the location for the record. Sometimes others have hints for specific areas in which they are experienced; the more information they have, the more effective they can be.
Once a document has been completely transcribed (sometimes it is a two-step process if the volunteer isn't comfortable with his English abilities), it is necessary to go back to your file and delete the scan. At that point, another scan can be posted to your folder. We suggest only one scan at a time because of space limitations; the more members posting their scans, the more critical that is. Above all, it is our desire to provide the best service possible so that family research can move backward in time!
A: The possibility of virus contamination is the main reason attachments aren't allowed on Transcribe Group. A secondary reason would be that not every member will be looking at every record. We feel the list is configured to best serve the needs of all volunteers and members without challenging the resources allowed us.
A: Saving your scans as JPG can reduce the size of your file drastically.
The space of our group to save files is restricted. Therefore the space for each member is also restricted to make it possible for other members to save their files. Also, it Is helpful to the volunteers to have uniformity in presentation since not all will have the same software abilities on their computers.
A: If you don't have a graphic program to convert (save in another format) your scan you can download such a free program at https://www.irfanview.com/main_download_engl.htm
A: As the list continues to grow in membership and more files are posted for transcription, we realize that space may become limited. For that reason, we feel it's necessary to limit the files posted to one at a time for each member. Once a posted file has been transcribed, the member will delete that file prior to adding another. In this manner, we hope to be able to serve a greater number of members successfully as they pursue their heritage. We'd like to thank you, in advance, for your understanding and assistance in reaching that goal.
A: If you are uncertain about the size of your scan, you can right click on the image (before posting to your file) and then click on "properties". That will provide a box with the size in bytes. Due to space limitations for our list, it is critical we keep these parameters in mind, especially as more members begin posting their files for transcription.
A: Please, contact the Moderator via e-mail at Transcribe Group Moderator